Hey everybody!
What a crazy week this week! I love being a missionary and the chance that I have to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ here in the U.K. I was able to talk to my mother and my sisters for Mothers' Day on Sunday! What a great experience that was for me to talk to the best women in the world to me! :) I love them to bits!
Just to let you know that I have been transfered....AGAIN! I am now in a place called Telford. The mission office was good, BUT I was rooming with some missionaries who were completely disobedient to the mission rules. They went on a ferry ride whilst going to drop something off in the mission owned van which was paid by the tithes of the Church. I was so mad at them! I then told President Preston what they did and then decided to move out of there and head to another area. I love my new area because I am in a great ward and with an obedient missionary named Elder Bahr! He is such a great missionary! What I've learned on my mission alot about is being obedient to the commandments and mission rules! I am so grateful for them because they are there for our safety and happiness in this life! Also if you want you can send a letter to my Telford address or the mission office address. Here is the address:
Elder Terrence Taylor
77 Chepstow Drive
Telford, Shropshire TF1 6UP
England, U.K.
I am so grateful to be a member of this Church and to be a minister of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and His Plan of Happiness! I am so touched by His tender mercies that He has given me in my life! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
With Love,
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